I had a huge clean up of all my knitting stuff recently and I unearthed six “half-written” patterns and several WIPs. I have decided that these things needed to be sorted out by the end of the year so I I’ve been quite focused on getting the WIPs completed and the patterns properly written with completed samples.
I’m down to three WIPs and I’m working my way through them quite quickly. Finishing up the patterns is a different story.
Some of them are just a hand-written chart and a swatch whereas others are a complete sample – but I failed to write down the pattern as I knitted it.
Still, I’m determined to get at least three new patterns published by the end of the year – and here is the first one.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a name for it and I can’t very well publish a pattern without a name.
I think the flowers look like Canola flowers – but “Canola Beanie” sounds more like a margarine flavoured jellybean than a knitting pattern.
So I’ve decided to ask for suggestions. Anyone who posts a suggested name for this pattern in the comments will get a free copy – even if I don’t end up using the name.
You have until Friday, 22 November to add any suggestions in the comments – then I’ll email out some codes for free downloads.
(Note: I have removed the ‘learn continental knitting’ post as I’ve decided to do this in January next year instead – when I’m not busy finishing up half-written patterns).
What about something using the word Brassica (the latin name for canola)? Or something about North Dakota (according to wikipedia, 92% of the US canola crop is grown in North Dakota)
I think maybe. .. Buttercap. It’s a buttercup but its a cap. … maybe not! LOL