Patons 587 is a very intriguing little booklet. Photographed at North Melbourne Station, the models are decked out with the pastels and perms and natural tans that normally scream “1980s”, but the knitwear designs don’t seem to know what decade they belong to.
I’m not sure if I’m just distracted by the hats but there is something about these designs that reminds me of Robert Redford and Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby. That film had a very 70s does 20s vibe (well, obviously), and there is something about these designs that remind me of it. I don’t know – maybe the misty edges on the photos and the flat-caps remind me of the movie poster.
Anyway, I think I’m going to call this as 80s does early 40s. Vests, batwing sleeves, sharp shoulders and the v-necks on the button-up tops have a real late 30s/early 40s feel to them.
My absolute favourite is the dusty wine coloured set (bottom right). The hat and the sharp shoulder lines on that cardigan/jacket are just amazing. They have that slightly military or mannish look and are just really smart. Not sure if I’m up to knitting it though – it looks like a lot of work and I don’t think it would really suit me at all.
So, what do you think? Is this 80s does 40s or does it remind you of another decade altogether?
(Please note that I do not own the copyright to any patterns featured in Retro Monday. Unfortunately this means I can’t make or send out copies).
I’m thinking quite 80s-does-30s in flavour – I totally see the Gatsby thing, and also it reminds me of ‘The Sting’.
Oooh … I hadn’t thought of The Sting. I think I need to watch some movies this weekend. For “research” of course.