A very quick post today because I’m sulking. It’s a public holiday but I have to work, so I’m not especially pleased.
Still, Retro Monday must go on and today I present Patons Knitting Book 475 – which to me is 1950s perfection.
It’s easy to forget that women’s wear of the 50s wasn’t all circle skirts and bullet bras. There were still plenty of lean, sophisticated lines. I particularly like the high necklines on this knitwear although they are rarely compatible with a full bust so I’ll probably never knit them.
I’m going to date this one as late 50s based on the models’ hairstyles. Their hair is quite sleek and there are no curls around the face.
It’s refreshing to see styling from the 50s that isn’t all about floral prints, short sweaters and fussy pin curls. These jumpers are a bit more grown up and I really like that.
(Please note that I do not own the copyright to any patterns featured in Retro Monday. Unfortunately this means I can’t make or send out copies).
Yeah, there are lots of chunkier and looser knits from that era, especially for casual wear. I really like some of the knitted jackets in old Vogue Knittings.
As you say, high necklines aren’t great with bihher busts. I can’t wear yokes, it always looks as though the ‘girls’ have slipped beneath them!
I look like I’ve stuffed a sofa down my top if I wear high necklines – a scarf can help a bit but I usually just avoid.
Love these scans you post on Mondays! It makes me realise how many old patterns there are out there that I haven’t collected yet… and I’ve collected quite a few. This looks like a rather nice one with some gorgeous patterns.
I’m really glad you enjoy these posts – they are a lot of fun to put together and there are some really beautiful vintage patterns out there (as well as some atrocities in yarn).