It’s 40 degrees Celsius here today (104 F). Naturally I had to go outside wearing a fair-isle alpaca and wool hat so I could bring you some rushed photos of another completed UFO.
This is a prototype for a design that I just can’t give up on. It needs more work to get the patterns on the crown to look nice.
Also, the decreases are not the best – it looks like a giant starfish has landed on my head and is eating my brain.
I just wanted to finish this so I rushed it and messed up some of the stitches.
Its far from being a final design, but now it’s off the needles I can forget about this one for a bit. I’ll come back to it when the idea of a 10ply alpaca hat isn’t quite as horrible as it is on a day like today.
lol The brain eating star fish get feisty on hot days. It is a good looking prototype.